Wednesday, 26 August 2020

DIY Masks

For the last two sesions of sewing tech, we have been creating masks. One of our kind teachers gave us some awesome material, with detail pictures of deer, goats, stags, trout and more. I choose a material with goats on rocks. It was a reasonably simple process. The hardest thing was making the pleating. Pleating is the folds on the front. We had to pin them, then iron and sew. The best skill that I've learnt was probably pleating, but I've learnt lots of other tips and tricks. This term in sewing has been a blast. I even learnt to make pants. They are quite big on me but at least they will fit me for a long time. Since I am a year eight, this is my very final tec session with sewing. Thanks Anne for teaching me sewing skills that will last a life time. Here is my mask. 

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

If I Were A Volcano

For poem of the week last week we had a poem called 'If I Were A Storm' By Katie Bloom. It was a poem about if she was a storm and what she would do. The piece had parts of personification and very descriptive parts. We decided to put our own twist on this writing. We have been studying volcanoes and how our earth works. So we created our own decriptive pice of writing called 'If I Were A Volcano'. Here is my piece of writing...

If I Were A Volcano

If I were a volcano,
I would tower above rolling hills, forests, valleys, seas and cities.
I would sit in silence, waiting and watching, for the perfect time to strike.
Suddenly. When it's least expected I would groan and bubble, puff and smog.
My body would tremble with rage and fury.
Smoke would escape out my ears with pace.
I would suddenly toss and hurl my hot rocks, kilometres through the bleak air.
Burying deep into pulpy earth.
I would be fuming with exhaust and flaming lava would hunt you down.
Slowly I'd soon settle, but rocks would pounce if you get too close. 
I would be miserable as my blistering, orange, lava dress  slowly diminishes.
I would stand proud and staunch as the world admires my harmful actions.
When suddenly a drowsy, somnolent feeling hits me.
For once in my life, a calm tempered ease fills my body. 
My eyes fall shut.

By Sophia

Friday, 7 August 2020

Music Creation

During Cybersmart we have been working on music creations. We have been using an app called sound trap. You can use this app for a thirty day trial for free and make and create or use others music. Famous music artists use this free app and it is reasonably easy to navigate when you get the hang of it. We were trying to make mood in music. I chose a photo of a lion and tried to create music that goes with the photo. I think I could have done better but I tried. Here is my creation.